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You saved me some time looking for that copyright information. I will look for that book.

At least, when it comes to publishing, the copyright is almost exclusively assigned to the creator. In other media, finding out who the actual "creator" is requires some detective work. There are so many cooks in those kitchens and they all want to take credit.

In the analog days of the music business, for example, it was far too easy for the people running the record companies to assign partial or whole ownership of songwriting copyrights to people who had nothing to do with writing the song, while depriving the actual writers of that.

And don't get me started about how ridiculous it is in the animation business. People who originate shows get "created by" credits justly, but they typically have no say in whether their creations get "rebooted" and otherwise abused or not, since the studios make the calls on that. And they shouldn't!

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